
How Santa Really Works

Author :
Alan Snow
Publisher :
Simon and Schuster
Category :
Fantasy Story
Age Group :
7+ Year
Pages :

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Top-secret information on Santa Intrepid Santa-tracker Alan Snow has traveled up through Lapland to the far reaches of the Arctic Circle in search of the ever-elusive Mr. Claus. There, beneath the polar cap, deep underground, he found a bustling community with one mission and one mission only -- to make Christmas happen. Have you ever wondered how Santa knows exactly when you fall asleep? Does he really have time to check if every single child's been naughty or nice? And maybe more important, what do the naughty kids actually end up with? These are but a few of the questions you've never had answers for...until now. How Santa Really Works is the real scoop on how Santa does what he does so well

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