
The Parent Agency

Author :
David Baddiel
Publisher :
HarperCollins Publishers
Category :
Age Group :
7+ Year
Pages :

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Told with Natalie Whipple's signature whip-smart wit and warmth, this is a story about prejudice, growing up and the true meaning of sticking by your family. 'People like to think fish don't have feelings - it's easier that way - but as I watch the last guppy squirm in his bag, his eyes seem to plead with me. I get the sense that it knows just as well as I do that bad things are on the horizon.' Mika Arlington has her perfect summer all planned out, but the arrival of both her estranged grandmother and too-cool Dylan are going to make some very big waves in her life. Told with Natalie Whipple's signature whip-smart wit and warmth, this is a story about prejudice, growing up and the true meaning of sticking by your family.

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