
Guinea-pig Gang

Author :
Lucy Daniels
Publisher :
Hodder Children's Books
Category :
Age Group :
5+ Year
Pages :

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Stage 4 More C stories are six more exciting new titles at Stage 4 of Oxford Reading Tree. Written by Roderick Hunt and illustrated by Alex Brychta. Titles include:A Strange Case, Stuck in the Mud, The Den, The Sale, Tug of War and Look Smart.Each of these stories cover NLS Y1 and Y2 words whilst at the same time engaging the children with interesting storylines and lively illustrations.The 24pp Teaching Notes included in the pack of six stories is the same format as the pupil books for easy classroom management. Included in the Teaching Notes booklet are a Vocabulary Chart listing Year 1 and 2 high frequency words/context words, and a Curriculum Coverage Chart listing activitiesand outcomes for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Each story has individual notes and suggested activities for Group and Independent Reading, Speaking and Listening and Writing, with each section showing the relevant NLS objectives covered. Within each section are prompts andsuggestions for responding to the story, personal experiences, cross-curricular links, role play and further suggestions on how to observe pupils' progress. All in a helpful and easy-to-use layout.

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